Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hersheys ... What's the idea behind seasonal Twizzlers?

I had one of these snack size Twizzlers Twists on Halloween and have become addicted to them. I began to crave more so I found a bag at CVS after Halloween (what was I think just buying one bag?) and in about a week and half's time ate the entire bag. To Nick's dismay, I am now frantically searching for any bags leftover from Halloween to feed my addiction. Why don't I just get regular Twizzlers? I would if I could but I can't because these Twizzlers are different. The flavor is better, the texture softer, the size smaller and oh so freakin good. I just found out, after some extensive googling, that it's a seasonal item (meaning Hallo-freakin-ween only).

I am actually sad, very sad that I cannot indulge in my snack size Twizzler addiction until ... next September when the Halloween candy comes out. I don't think I can wait that long. I am seriously going to check out ebay when I get home from work, this is bad, really really bad.

If anyone can find them for me I will pay you for them, I must have them.

A Member of Twizzlers Anonymous

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