Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Perfectionists Anonymous

My name is Jenny and I am a perfectionist.

When the Fiance and I were planning a local sit-down dinner wedding I was a crazy lady. I had problems with everything; venue decor, chairs, carpeting, guest list, entrees, cakes, sides, the dance floor ... you get the idea. And anything that made me crazy also made me cry.

Then the Fiance and I decided to go to Hawaii ... I can tell you that there's much less crying going on over the wedding. The problems I am encountering now are:
  1. Number of guests coming to Kauai
  2. What beach am I getting married on?
  3. Where are we having dinner afterwards?
  4. What the heck are we going to do on Kauai? (besides the wedding)
  5. How much and what to pack?

Okay I digressed a little there but the first three are the most important and constantly on my mind. Let's talk about a combo issue, fiance and I have a date picked and all the restaurants and the two planners that I've contacted are available on our chosen date (it's my little secret) but since I don't know where we're having our ceremony (problem #2) I cannot commit to a restaurant or a planner. And I like to commit so I can move on to other things I need to figure out and devote my time to.

The other problem is #1, I have a head count for those who have confirmed with me (as opposed to the travel agent) that they are coming to Kauai with us. But (there's always a but), we have some family & friends who are making their own arrangements and at this point some still do not know if they can make it. So because I do not know for sure how many people there'll be I cannot choose a restaurant.

On to problem #3, my dinner first choice is Plantation Gardens. The problem with PG is that in their largest room they can only have a maximum of 22 and if I do people math with all my maybe guests, I just may go over 22. My second choice is the The Beach House and I've got a good cushion here because their smallest room has a maximum of 30. So why not just go with the Beach House? Because I really like PG and want to make sure I can or cannot fit my guests before I decide. To throw a wrench into everything, Manulele (a planner I'm in contact with) recommended the Tidepools Restaurant at the Hyatt ... and now I have to check it out online to make sure I want to include it in my considerations.

Now I am exhausted from thinking about all this ... I'll leave you with an awesome picture of a Kauai sunrise I found on Flickr.

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