Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Getting into the Wedding Groove

I''ve got to be honest, it's been really hard to get into this whole wedding planning thing. I do not know why I am not really into it. I can't wait to be married to my guy but deep down I wish that all this planning and chaos could just be skipped over and I could wake up the day after and just be really happy. Is that too much to ask? Maybe all this planning and organizing is just too stressful.

I am patting myself on the back because I made my very first wedding related craft item!!! It was a quickie side craft because I was having crafter's block while making greeting cards. I was playing with my paper punches and found the palm tree punch (brand spankin' new with the wrap still on it). I have okay handwriting and my skills at lining up individual stamp letters is horrendous so I left the wording and printing to my handy computer and printer (i ♥ technology). I love the script font (blackladder) because it reminds of Pirates of the Caribbean and that reminds of a tropical island ... do you follow? The paper color looks much nicer in person but for a tropic save-the-date I think a brighter green or a bright blue would've been more appropriate. But like I siad this is just a quickie item and I'm not even sure if I am going to bother making more because anyone joining us in Hawaii knows that there'll be a wedding at some point. STDs (not the diseases but save-the-date) would definitely be perfect for the Chinese reception and the Tea Party.

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