Saturday, March 10, 2007

What to blog about???

There’s plenty of wedding stuff to blog about but some things just aren’t ripe enough to discuss. For example, today we’ve got quite a few wedding related things to do:
  • I’m going to FINALLY take my wedding dress to get hemmed (I’ve been putting it off and the FMIL finally convinced time was a-wasting);
  • we’re going to put the deposit down for the restaurant we’re having the reception at and work out some menu details; and
  • my mom will measure me for a Chinese dress, qi pao, that my dad’s family is giving to me as a gift.

As you can plainly see we have lots of stuff to do but there’s only a plan and no result just yet.

On another note, when will the weather warm up? My shower is about 2 weeks away and I just got this gauzy dress from Banana Republic and want to wear it without freezing my behind off. Can a girl get a 60 degree day for her shower? To redeem myself for being a little selfish about the weather … I have good friends coming in from Georgia for my shower (and NYC shopping & site-seeing) but I’d like for the weather to be nice for them too.


jennypah said...

I will gladly accept your weather anyday. It's been so poo poo here I've just about given up. I wish you could come for the shower too but I know it's far and certainly not the most cost effective thing to do, especially for a single day. We have to visit you at your new house and see the-world's-most-adorable toddler.

jennypah said...
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