Thursday, March 15, 2007

My dress is away from home

After much talk and no action about having my dress hemmed I finally took it to the seamstress. My FMIL has been kindly reminding me and asking me to take the dress to be hemmed because we were slowing closing in on the wedding date and she was getting nervous about it. So I gave in and took my dress to the seamstress recommended by the Short Hills Nicole Miller boutique (before it moved to Livingston) - Anna's Designs.

Ana is going to hem my wedding dress, leaving the train and adding a button so that I can bustle it in the back. It's very mini bustle and so cute with the dress. At first I wanted a loop but it makes the dress look a little funny from one side and it hinders my movement on the opposite side I loop it around my wrist so the bustle was the way to go.

Upon arriving at Anna's Designs this is the sign on the door ...
Nick and I both agree that the sign is pretty darn accurate. Ana herself is the sweetest lady I've ever met. She was so professional and so patient while I was flip flopping between bustle or loop, bustle and loop, shoe me the bustle, show me the loop and finally a decision.

Ana actually charged me with a task ... I must find a bra or some semblance of a bra for my dress as I'm not a voluptuous Asian girl that properly fills out my dress top. So on March 31st at 1pm I need to bring my bra choice with me to see the proper fit of the dress. I will have to pay a visit to Victoria's Secret and maybe Nordstrom's to get the appropriate items. Wish me luck cause I've been putting the bra off too.


Amelia Plum said...

I love that sign! It's so wondeful that there are still people who put up signs like that, and better still, that the sign is accurate. It's so funny to hear you mention Short Hills and Livingston. I grew up two towns away from Short Hills so a good portion of my teen years were misspent at the Short Hills Mall. Nowadays I'd feel underdressed just going to shop there. Good Luck finding a bra, I'd think you can find something that works at Victoria's Secret.

Selena Kang said...

Hey Jenny! As someone who can identify with not being able to fill a dress out on top, looking into the "shapers" by Victoria's Secret. I got those and I am really excited about how they are going to look under my bra. You'll be impressed.

Selena Kang said...

oops, to clarify, meaning you are going to be impressed with how YOU look after you slip them in.

jennypah said...

Shapers ... got it. I have do that this week. Eeek!