Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Bridal Shower

That's me in the middle, at my bridal shower that took place yesterday. To the left is my FMIL, Joan and on the right is Diane my bridesmaid and future-cousin-in-law. I think we're playing a game ...

Adele, a very good friend, hosted my shower at her beautiful Fifth Avenue apartment serving us fruit flavored champagne and some really delicious food. Diane, Joan and Mandy (MOH & FSIL) did such a great job with the favors, the games and just keeping track of everything for me.

Here are some photos from the shower ...

the foodthe drinksMoneique, Me, Courtney & Olga

Thank you to everyone for coming to my shower, I am so flattered that anyone came. Thank you to Joan, Mandy and Diane for bring the fun. Thank you to Adele for opening your home to me and my guests.


Amelia Plum said...

The top photo is pretty fuzzy but you look very pretty there. I like your dress too.

jennypah said...

I thought keeping that pic small would avoid the fuzz ... but then I clicked on it and BAM FUZZY PICTURE GALORE! Haha. The dress was a recent Banana Republic purchase and it was seriously so comfortable and flowy I am dying to find an excuse to wear it again.