Sunday, March 25, 2007

We Gotta Move

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had a bridal shower . Now that it's over I've got presents tucked around the house. I feel like I live at the Bed Bath & Beyond warehouse! Here are my largest nooks with shower gifts ...

the front foyer
the spare room
There are other gifts we've received that we're already using or tucked elsewhere in the house but now we're either going to have to store them at my FFIL's house or just get ourselves a house. We're planning to start house hunting after all the wedding stuff is over and hopefully we'll have something before Christmas. Wish us luck.


Amelia Plum said...

I think you'll definitely need to start house hunting after your wedding, where are you going to put all the wedding gifts that you'll receive? by the way crock pots are wonderful for those who have no time
and/or don't like to cook.

jennypah said...

Having too much stuff is a good excuse for a bigger place. :) I think we'll store it at my future father in law's house in the mean time but I just want to play with everything!