Sunday, March 25, 2007

Posting Mania

I bet someone is asking, "What's with all the posts at once?"

As most of you know I started a new job at the beginning of February and I can honestly say that I love my job. The only problem is that my job tends to kick my ass. Last week was hell week - I had so many items due and so many people pulling me in different directions it was hard just getting a moment to breathe. I get into work around 8am and can't seem to get out the door before 6pm. When I think things have settled down for the day something comes up and I'm stuck trying to fix it. Anyhow the days pass quickly and the weeks too. I haven't yet determined if that's a good or a bad thing.

I finally had a moment to update the ol' blog and just kept on posting. I have some more post ideas and hopefully will be able to get to them in the coming week but it all depends on work.

Thanks and I hope you understand.


Anonymous said...

Just happened upon this blog kinda by accident. Congrats on everything. I used to work in the city too but the commute just kinda got to me. What is it you do? Like I said keep up with the great little stories and congrats on the whole wedding thing.

jennypah said...

Hi Joe - Thanks for the kind words. So far my commute is good, I take the ferry across the river and then a shuttle bus to the building I work at. My job is a bit hard to explain but I work at Japanese bank and I am responsible for training on banking laws and regulations.