Saturday, May 02, 2009

Owning a Home is Exhausting

Today was officially the first day of us owning a home. I was giddy yesterday but today there was not time for that, there was work to be done.

The first order of business was a 10:00am appointment to have our vents cleaned and chimney swept. My husband found Antczak's Complete Service to do the job. Mike and Karen did a wonderful job and were personable and professional. We even had a little snafu where a door hid one of the return vents and we discovered it quite a few hours later and it needed some cleaning help. Mike came back the same day and cleaned it up.

At the same time we were trying to get our locks replaced and what drama that was. This is a story for another day because it's late and I just can't write about it since it wasn't fun. In the end it all worked out.

Finally, some demolition work! The first picture is the working getting started. Second is the pulling off the last of the dry wall. Finally just the frame is left...

Nick's best friend Chris just tore away at whatever he was working on and by about 8:30pm the wood was gone and a newly discovered wiring method required some modifications and consideration for future use.

Overall it was a very productive day but I write that as I am nodding off at my computer.

1 comment:

Roselawn said...

Your new home is lookin' good! You'll alway remember the first house you get as a couple. I still have fond memories of ours... even though it was only about 800 sq feet and in a bad part of town! Enjoy the transition. It might be frustrating at times, but you'll look back on the memories fondly...