Friday, December 19, 2008

American Cancer Society

I just got back from Garden State Plaza shopping mall where I volunteered at the American Cancer Society gift wrapping booth. I've done volunteer gift wrapping before and really found that it was a great experience and when my colleague, Meryl, invited me this year I immediately excepted.

Basically people bring gifts to you to wrap and provide a donation to the American Cancer Society in exchange for saving them the trouble or challenge of gift wrapping.

Ugg boots, we learned, are the hot gift this year. In three hours (a slightly slow three hours due to a snowstorm we had today) we wrapped 5 pairs of Uggs!

To find a local American Cancer Society event, enter your zip code or city name at ACS' Calender of Events page.


Roselawn said...

What are Ugg boots??

Anonymous said...

You are such a sweetie!