Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Honeymoon is Over

That's right we're back in good ol' New Jersey. I really really needed that 2.5 week vacation. Work was burning me out and I couldn't handle my crazy job and wedding planning.

Everything went so wonderfully, from the days before the wedding to the trip to Honolulu and our honeymoon cruise. There's always a few things but I'll save the ranting for another time.

I went back to work and the daily grind of NYC today. I felt like it was second day of work again with everyone briefing me on what I missed and what went on while I was away. The sad thing is that I had a pretty good idea of the goings-on because I did have to work a bit while away. I'm in a tough spot because I'm the only one in the entire company that does what I don't and nobody else seems to really get it and so they can't do anything without my input. It's sad but I have some pretty good job security.

For now and for your viewing pleasure - a
pic of the Kaua'i chickens. I will talk about
them and their story in another post.

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