Sunday, April 10, 2011

What was I thinking when I decided to switch to decaf?

I love coffee. I love coffee as much as I love my husband or is it that I love my husband as much as I love my coffee? Coffee did come before the husband...

Anyways, there was always a debate in our house over if I needed the caffeine or really (as I always said) loved the taste of coffee. I could drink [caffeinated] coffee before going to bed and sleep like a baby. So we decided to put it to the test and it turns out, I just like the taste of coffee.

Since we have a Keurig coffee machine and I was buying the caffeinated K-cups I had to go decaf. My favorite K-cup is Coffee People Donut Shop and they make a decaf. This where the fun stops, for some reason Amazon didn't have it (I know! Amazon has everything!). I had seen a ton of it around the holidays at Bed Bath and Beyond but when I went no dice. Then I scoured the internet and found it online at Walmart for a great price. Fast forward to today, when I realized I have less than 8 K-cups left I couldn't find them anywhere for a decent price, that is until I went to

In other K-cup related news... Dunkin Donuts will be selling their coffee in K-cup form this summer!

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