Well I don't really
hate cars just mine, Zippy, right this moment. I blogged back in December about my
flat tire drama, well, that drama has continued! After having to order a replacement tire and taking Zippy back to Pep Boys to have the tire installed, what does the car do but start drifting to one side! So silly me is driving around with the steering misaligned for a couple of weeks (driving straight with a crooked steering wheel was so annoying) and yesterday I finally give in and take Zippy back to get a wheel alignment. Well what do I find out but something else is wrong my car, which I was aware of as a minor issue, I busted the strut (when I was playing
Frogger with a rock) on the driver's side.
I think was last fall when my dad mentioned one of my struts was leaking and I would eventually need them replaced. Well dad, I need at least one new strut because I broke my car, again.
Personally, I think I am a pretty good driver but apparently something is effed up because I keep dumping money into my car for really stupid and minor things (rock
Frogger). For example, back in November I kinda, sorta drove Zippy into a pole. Our gym has this semi-underground parking area and we were leaving, albeit I was in rush, when some guy pulls in and I had already pulled out of the spot to leave. Unfortunately, we couldn't pass each other in the tight garage. So I got smart and decided to pull back into my spot and do a pull through move to get out of the way. *
BAM* my passenger side back door connects with one of those support beam poles and makes one heck of
CRUNCH sound. Needless to say I was SUPER pissed off and of course again it was totally my fault for being in a rush, and for no good reason.
Due to all my recent car drama Nick seems to think I need to get a tank as my next car. I am beginning to agree.