My cousins (C & V) share a bunkbed and love to stuff blankets here and there and make a fort. So I decided that princesses need a proper bunked playhouse. I had seen this idea somewhere so I don't claim it as something I "invented". I had to drive a good 25 minutes to the nearest store that I knew sold fabric (Joann's) then I spent about 1 1/2 trying to find just the right colors and materials. I wanted so bad to have green polka dot grass and I found the exact fabric I had wanted! All the materials were just perfect down to the various colors of thread I picked out.
I started construction a week before V's birthday party and here are pictures of the progress. The picture below is the pink wall measured out but before I could put both sides together with batting I had to cut out the green polka dot grass and sew it on. I used a zig zag stitch (which my sewing machine seems to hate to do since it kept jamming on that setting).
This picture is of the wall with grass and now the doors and window shutters have been assembled and now being laid out to see how it all looks before I permanently put it all together.
I added a little personalization for each girl. On the inside I put two felt pockets under each window for the girls to put some toys in. An initial pocket and a heart pocket for each.
Voila! This is the finshed product from the outside of their apartment (it was upgraded from a being a fort).
1 comment:
Jenny, the apartment is amazing! You are so clever and creative-I love the idea and the finished product, too! (Your little cousins look pretty happy as well!)
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